
Saturday, February 8, 2020


     So, I was going to put this on one of my pages but couldn't figure out how to add a blog to extra pages or if its even possible so I will try to provide links back and forth. I believe that this probably will hurt my site rankings but I feel I'm at a loss.
     This blog's primary focus will be photos and art (and anything else creative or crafty that tickles my fancy), taken by me, or made by me. 
     The song at the side I felt was very appropriate and befitting. Every time I hear it, it kind of brings a tear to my eye. Not because I think the song itself is sad per se but more of a happy tear.
 Remember when you were little and didn't have a care in the world? Planning your

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Tomatoes on a plate -
you can find the others
 I've done on my website
     So today I thought I'd show you the view from my front porch AFTER I boldly painted my kitchen an orange-pink color and cabinets grey and white for balance.  You see, what happened was: in the summer my DH replaced our main entry door. In doing this it left an unfinished interior frame. So for the past six months it remained unfinished, but barely noticeable due to the fact that the unfinished portion was the same color as EVERYTHING in this room....brown. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the color brown but honestly, in this room it was overdone...ceiling - brown, walls - brown, floor - brown, cupboards - brown. You get the idea. So after I painted the walls orange-pink the unfinished door frame stood out like a sore thumb! I said nothing, I had too much painting to do, HA! Next thing I know, he enters the house with all the materials necessary to build the frame and states very matter of factly "This weekend I'm gonna finish that door that you've painted the walls .... it really looks like crap!" It took everything in me not to laugh!
      So I got my walls painted (took 3 coats, sheesh) all of the cupboards taken down (the doors), painted and treated them to some updated hardware, and painted all the trim and ended up with a wonderfully inspirational place to create art, food and memories! I find it intriguing though that the new color of the room has got me painting vegetables (example above) and wanting the room to smell of citrus, not sure if it's the fresh paint, the color, the light or a combination of all 3 but I do like the feeling I get when I walk in there. It's hard to be angry or sad in this room now! General consensus is that family and friends don't generally like the color but I do, and I love my new place to paint! :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Before....and After!

Friday made for a curious day weather wise and for some interesting views from my front porch. As I was doodling here, typing there by the window I notice an impending DARK blue seeming to make it's way my way. Hmmm I thought, this outta be interesting. Camera in hand I dashed outside just in time to catch the results. Gotta say, it kind of reminded me of a dust storm! I was lucky enough to get a before and after shot.....
THIS is a wall of snow preparing to fill my driveway!

This is said wall, doing just that!

My Green Day

I did a post on how I was feeling green the other day, you can read it here. Apparently, on this day, this is what happens when I feel green: Hope you enjoy!

Green cord added to hair...

     Green and blue bracelet and a black and white one for balance....

...and lastly a painting that ended up being something very different than what it started out being.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Somethimes we see things different 
Sometimes we even fight
But one thing we agree on
When we go to bed at night

Is that our bond is very special
So very hard to find
We will always be together
In our hearts and in our minds

You have seen our first steps and bruises


"Walk a little slower Daddy",
said a child so small
"I'm following in your footsteps
And I don't want to fall

Sometimes your steps are very fast

The Smile

It started with a smile
And I heard not one word
He told me I was beautiful
Without saying a word

It started with a kiss