
Saturday, February 8, 2020


     So, I was going to put this on one of my pages but couldn't figure out how to add a blog to extra pages or if its even possible so I will try to provide links back and forth. I believe that this probably will hurt my site rankings but I feel I'm at a loss.
     This blog's primary focus will be photos and art (and anything else creative or crafty that tickles my fancy), taken by me, or made by me. 
     The song at the side I felt was very appropriate and befitting. Every time I hear it, it kind of brings a tear to my eye. Not because I think the song itself is sad per se but more of a happy tear.
 Remember when you were little and didn't have a care in the world? Planning your
day consisted of choosing a  flavor of Popsicle that would best cool you down, how high in the tree you thought you could climb today before one of the two happened 1) the branches became too thin to support you or 2) fear paralyzed you into not being able to climb back down without some serious negotiation skills from friends and siblings, and at which what time of day the big ol' oak tree best shaded you from the heat.  
Somewhere between learning to shave and applying for your first job we lose that sense of "carpe diem" and adventure. That's why whenever you remember the : " time when insert friends name here (aka. the group's guinea pig) jumped into the lake first and his swimming trunks came up before he did", moments always bring a big smile to your face.
     So without further adieu let the creativity begin.
The Cleaner

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