
Friday, March 18, 2011

What is this thing you call "S...pring"?

     Two days ago we found ourselves in what can only be described, when given the last few weeks temperatures, a heat wave! What I mean, is, that the temperature toyed with plus double digits. Oh happy day! We all emerged from shelter, guarding our eyes from the foreign glare of the elusive sunshine to allow for adjustment. Once adjusted gave an outward stretch and allowed it's rays to permeate any surface we
could present to it. Ahhh, Spring is definitely in the air and we welcome it with outstretched arms! After the aforementioned adjustment phase we all kind of stood there with a "now what" stance and awkward gaze. The kids relished in stepping carefully from puddle, to grass, to snow and back, pausing now and then to look up at the sun. I leaned over the porch railing watching them curiously wondering what their (and my) next move would be. I quickly realized how warm the gentle breeze actually was and with the same speed decided to haul my portable laundry rack outside to dry in the glorious sun. Upon returning the yard was abuzz with activity. The oldest, lovingly coined "The Boy", was busy struggling to pry the basketball net from it's winter home, a.k.a laying down behind the garage, and my little outdoor princess what chirping like that of a baby bird to Mama Robin expecting worms, "can I get my bike out?" I was flabbergasted at first, she WAS donning a full blown snow suit after all, then retorted "absolutely!"  I documented briefly with my camera and got a few mementos albeit sort of blurry ones!
Just so you know, this is considered appropriate and required pre-Spring biking gear. This fashionable ensemble includes: your brother's bike helmet, purple shades, warm and fuzzy "home" sweater, and of course snow pants

After a few trials, tribulations, obstacles and A LOT of grunting, the basketball net is vertical! Proud of my "little man". He proudly christened it with a perfectly executed lay-up shot, Nice!

 Mr. Robin was feelin' Spring today and decided to grace us with his presence! Welcome back buddy!

This glorious weather even inspired me to barbeque up some steak! I BBQ all year round but there's something very gratifying about NOT having to completely gear up to brave the elements. Flipping the steak while sucking in lung-fulls of fresh, warmer air just feels......right!

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